Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Kaden!

Now that Kaden is one, here are some things you might like to know about him!

Favorite Songs: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," "The Wheels on the Bus" (He likes to do the actions for the bus driver, baby, and dad.)

Favorite Foods: Pizza, spaghetti with meatballs, apples, raspberries, green beans, peas, carrots, pears, peaches.

Words he can say: that, Dad, dog, Mama, this (especially when he wants to do "This Little Piggy"), night night, ball, grass, light, off, up.

Sounds he can make: moo, ruff, roar.

Things he can sign: please, all done, more, eat, thank you.

Body actions: I love you (cross arms over chest), blow kisses, folds arms for prayers, hugs, kisses, waves hello and bye, peek-a-boo.

Favorite Toys: TV remote, phones, water bottles, things that make noise, balloons.

Favorite pastimes: reading books, walking outside and playing in water (both bath time and at the pool.)


Darrell & Carol Peterson said...

Hooray for Kaden on his 1st birthday! I'm so glad you took video of the fam singing to him--that was a fun day! love, mom p

Unknown said...

I can't believe he's one!!! He's so adorable!